Romantic Relationship and Mental Health among Payame Noor University Students in East Azarbayjan


Students are the most active population of our country. In all countries around the world and specially in our country, academic problems and psychological problems between students have a broad range. It seems that several factors are endangering their psychological health. With respect to importance of this subject, the aim of this study was surveying the mental health among girl and boy students with romantic relationship in comparison to non-romantic relationship. For this purpose, 400 undergraduate student (196 boys & 204 girls) completed the mental health (GHQ) and demographic questionnaire. The results of multivariate analysis of variance indicated that in the two subscales of mental health including somatic symptoms, and anxiety, the effect is significant, but in two other subscales including depression and social disfunction, the effect is not significant. Also, the effect of gender on mental health component is significant except for social disfunction. The effect of gender- romantic relationship interaction on mental health component is significant, too. With respect to the grading of items, we can conclude that the students with romantic relationship have grater somatic symptoms and anxiety. Therefore, the families and administrators should know the psychological circumstance of youths

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