Ultra-wideband and Multiband Reflectarrays for Intelligent Multi-functional Platforms


This paper includes two parts. In the first part, a review of techniques for designing wideband or multiband reflectarrays is presented. In the second part, two case studies including the designs of one ultra-wideband (UWB) reflectarray and one multi-band reflectarray are presented. The UWB reflectarray is a novel tightly coupled dipole reflectarray (TCDR) whose unit cell is composed of a tightly coupled dipole and a delay line. The minimum distance between adjacent cells is about 1/10 wavelength at the lowest operating frequency. The TCDR operates from 3.4 to 10.6 GHz with stable radiation patterns and aperture efficiency. The multiband reflectarray is a novel dual-band, dual circularly polarized (CP) reflectarray. The dual-band operation of the reflectarray is obtained by using the interleaved circularly polarized triangular patches as the radiating elements. Within each frequency band, two simultaneous shaped beams with different circular polarization and independent control are realized. Both reflectarrays are fabricated and measurement results are presented

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