Synthesis report on the state of community learning centres in six Asian countries: Bangladesh, Indonesia, Mongolia, Republic of Korea, Thailand and Viet Nam


In Asia and the Pacific region, community learning centres – or CLCs – improve access to lifelong learning and education, and serve as an integral mechanism for achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goal 4: ‘Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all’. It is against this backdrop that six Asian countries (Bangladesh, Indonesia, Mongolia, Republic of Korea, Thailand and Viet Nam) participated in exploratory research launched by NILE in late 2015 to analyse the wider benefits of CLCs so as to raise socio-political awareness of their significance. The outcome of the research done in 2015/16 resulted in this synthesis report, which provides an overview of CLCs within the contexts of policy, practice and achievements. More importantly, it identifies the factors that make a CLC approach to lifelong learning relevant and significant. By presenting sound evidence on the advantages brought to both individuals and communities by CLCs, the report hopes to garner support for their future development from national and local governments

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