Traffic in highway keep increase so it is necessary to increase capacity, it is
intended to drive swiftly, secure and comfortable accordance with PT. Jasa Marga
vision and mission �give quality services in a optimal toll road to road users�.
Increase capacity work includes the procurement of goods / services and and
physical work. Realization lane add at Km 222+550 to 223+000 track A on
Palimanan � Kanci highway. The purpose of this research is know the scope of
procurement activities and construction work on the capacity building of segment toll
booths Cipema Utama. The method used is the method of observation is by direct
observation of the implementation of the field work, literature study is a way to use
some of the literature related to content writing reports reinforce, documentation is
to take some photos of observation, interview method is to ask the stakeholders
involved directly and also responsible for the technical problems in the field. The
conclusion that can be drawn is the procurement of services electoral system uses
pre-qualification, method 2 cover and use the evaluation system value. Construction
using flexible pavement construction (flexible pavement). Work being tested
(trialtest) is setting traffic signs, and pavement testing consists of, scrapping, filing,
and core drill