Japan is known as a country which has many developing martial arts since
the time of samurai. It was not only practiced by the Japanese, but also by people
around the world. The martial art of samurai itself, which developed in Edo
period had many influences from the works of Zen Buddhism tenets. It taught
budoo as a concept in samurai meditation, so that the samurai were able to to find
composure within.
Budoo was a philosophy in martial arts which emphasized that any martial
art aims to create peace for it�s practitioner and the environment. Martial arts
which contain the budoo philosophy were not intent on getting victory from the
fight but more to practice self development for the practitioner.
The objective of this paper is to understand the relevance between budoo
and the Zen tenets, and budoo�s role in martial arts which emanated from samurai
martial arts such as budoo in hakama, kendoo, iaidoo, juudoo, aikidoo, kyuudoo
and naginata. This paper uses library methods to search for resources relevant to
the whole theme