Empowering Children to Learn: An Exploratory Study Using a Philosophical Listening Tool (the Little Box of Big Questions 2)


A key function of educational psychologists is to promote empowering and cultivating learning environments that prepare children and young people for the twenty-first century. This study explores how children may be empowered to learn through the clarification of their daily lived experiences. Learning experiences are examined from the perspective of the children themselves, with a particular emphasis on metaphysical concepts. A listening tool was used to gather data: in-depth stories, experiences, motivations and beliefs about individual learning. Thematic analysis was applied to interviews, further promoting the ‘voice of the child’ and illuminating how children think about their own learning. Autonomy, experience and purpose are examined in the context of how children learn. This research aims to contribute towards the growing body of knowledge about how children learn. The findings may help to inform the work of educational psychologists and enhance the educational experiences of children and young people

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