Educational Psychologists as Scientist Practitioners: A Critical Synthesis of Existing Professional Frameworks by a Consciously Incompetent Trainee


Several professional frameworks have been developed that provide mechanisms to support the application of psychology to problem-solving; thus facilitating the role of educational psychologists as scientist–practitioners. Furthermore, existing frameworks do not have to be viewed in isolation and can be integrated to demonstrate effective and defensible professional standards (Kelly & Marks Woolfson, 2017). This paper is a reflection on practice written by a third-year trainee from Manchester University. It aims to critique five existing frameworks, through casework analysis, and critically synthesise findings to produce a personalised framework based on “what works”. A theoretical model, “The Model of Dynamic Epistemology” (MODE) and a framework to support the application of MODE has been suggested. The paper concludes that an effective professional framework must emphasise positive relationships and shared understanding while maintaining scientific rigour. Finally, limitations have been outlined and future action research into the effect of MODE recommended. Several professional frameworks have been developed that provide mechanisms to support the application of psychology to problem-solving; thus facilitating the role of educational psychologists as scientist–practitioners. Furthermore, existing frameworks do not have to be viewed in isolation and can be integrated to demonstrate effective and defensible professional standards (Kelly & Marks Woolfson, 2017). This paper is a reflection on practice written by a third-year trainee from Manchester University. It aims to critique five existing frameworks, through casework analysis, and critically synthesise findings to produce a personalised framework based on “what works”. A theoretical model, “The Model of Dynamic Epistemology” (MODE) and a framework to support the application of MODE has been suggested. The paper concludes that an effective professional framework must emphasise positive relationships and shared understanding while maintaining scientific rigour. Finally, limitations have been outlined and future action research into the effect of MODE recommended

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