Geotechnical Challenges with Malaysian Peat


Malaysian peat is a tropical peat (Andriesse, 1988). This peat has unique characteristics, which makes it significantly different from other peat. In its natural state, this soil is normally dark reddish brown to black in colour and consists of partly decomposed leaves, branches, twigs and tree trunks with a low mineral content. These are formed through accumulation of disintegrated plant remains, which have been preserved under conditions of incomplete aeration and high water content. Hobbs (1986) stated that it was important to include and recognise the peat by not only its morphology but also by its basic engineering properties. The “special” characteristics for this soil are a high water content (>200%), high compressibility, high organic content (>75%), low shear strength (5-20kPa) and low bearing capacity (<8 kN/m2). These geotechnical characteristics make any form of construction on this soil very challenging in Malaysia (Zainorabidin and Bakar, 2003). This paper presents an overview of previous research carried out on peat soils (Mutalib et al, 1991; Jarrett, 1997; Bujang, 2004; Zainorabidin and Bakar, 2003). Edil (2003) demonstrated the variability of the peat properties even within a single sample, leading to it being far from homogeneous, which is a prime requirement in engineering soil mechanics. The compressibility of the individual peat particles invalidates one of the prime assumptions of particle incompressibility adopted in soil mechanics This paper also discusses the challenges that geotechnical engineers have faced in Malaysia when designing and managing construction on this soil

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