The Puzzling Presence of Lestes australis (Odonata: Lestidae) in Wisconsin - Does This Species Migrate?


Lestes disjunctus australis Walker, 1952 was named as a subspecies of Lestes disjunctus Selys, 1862. In recent decades it has been considered deserving of full species status by most specialists. The core of its eastern North American range is south of Wisconsin, but during April through June of some years, mature individuals, and occasionally reproductive behavior, are observed at shallow ponds and wetlands mostly in the southern half of the state. Since first recorded in Wisconsin in 2002, it has been detected in 13 of Wisconsin’s 72 counties. However, there has been no unequivocal documentation of successful reproduction in the state. Various possibilities regarding long-range dispersal or facultative migration of this species and other species of Zygoptera are discussed

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