Researcher centred data repository workflows


Supporting the management of research data in universities requires a range of services and components, including a long-term vehicle for archiving and sharing data. Such data repositories can serve multiple functions, and ensuring they engage with researchers through appropriate workflows is a key challenge. Data.uel, a new data repository at the University of East London, seeks to provide workflows for four use cases appropriate to institutions with a smaller research base. It provides researcher-centred workflows for depositing datasets, which can happen in advance of an overarching description of a research project or following it. Accordingly, the repository has a data model that permits the creation of a record for a single or multiple assets, and for records to be related to siblings as well as to parents. The data may also be deposited before or after a related publication is added to the publications repository (ROAR). A separate data repository was created for two reasons: to customise ingest to relate closely to scholarly workflows, and to enable the addition of data that was not Open. We know that not all data can or should be Open, so allow researchers to make their data available in a choice of three ways: Open Access, using open licensing; Available on Request, where the data owner would approve release case-by-case; and Closed to all but depositor and administrator, where data has to be kept for compliance/ evidentiary reasons but is not suitable for sharing

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