
Dwyer Google Migration


The IT staff at Dwyer Instruments encountered several issues when switching to use Google’s business technology services. These problems included lack of a button to open a new email draft with a PDF already attached, the timestamp function in Google Sheets displaying the current time instead of the time it was entered, duplicate Google Sheets spreadsheets not maintaining protected ranges, lack of a timeline chart in Google Sheets, inability to save Gmail searches, lack of event templates in Google Calendar, and lack of a workflow management tool in Google’s business technology suite. On site personnel were asked to communicate what would help smooth the transition to the G Suite. One challenge encountered was the difficulty in publishing G-Suite add-ons to Google’s online marketplace. Another challenge is presented by the lack of examples of G-Suite add-ons. This makes it tough to create add-ons since there are few resources to go off of. A G-Suite add-on was developed to create an in-page side window in Gmail and Drive to allow attachments from selected conversations or Drive files to be attached and sent with an email. A Google Sheets add-on was also developed in order to insert the current time into a selected cell. While some needs remain outstanding, but the project made significant progress toward solving some of their IT issues

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