Listening to Children and Young People’s (CYP) Experience and Perceptions During the Period of COVID-19 and Their Advice for Teachers and Schools


This research project aimed to elicit the views of children and young people (CYP) about their experience of COVID-19, and their advice to teachers and schools. The views of fourteen CYP aged between 9 and 15 years of age from within and around London were ascertained through individual semi-structured interviews and analysed through thematic analysis. There were a variety of responses from CYP, including the following: a deep appreciation for their teachers and their support throughout the pandemic; stories of positive personal growth and spending more time with their family. However, their inability to see friends and the challenges of learning from home had a considerable impact on some CYP who would have liked home learning to have been more personalised, interactive and varied and for there to have been a greater awareness of workload. A list of issues for consideration and a checklist based upon the CYP’s views have been compiled, for the use of schools and teachers. Given the small sample, the timing of the study and the fact that the pandemic is ongoing, some suggestions for further research are indicated

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