
The REFLEX Cluster Survey: Probing the Mass Distribution in the Universe


We summarize some of the major results obtained so far from the REFLEX survey of X-ray clusters of galaxies, concentrating on the latest measurements of the cluster X-ray luminosity function and two-point correlation function. The REFLEX luminosity function provides the most homogeneous census of the distribution function of masses in the local Universe, representing a unique zero-redshift reference quantity for evolutionary studies. On the other hand, the observed clustering of REFLEX clusters is very well described both in amplitude and shape by the correlation function computed for a low-Omega_M CDM model. The bidimensional correlation map xi(r_p,pi) shows no stretching along the line of sight, indicating negligible spurious effects in the sample, with at the same time a clear compression of the contours as expected in the presence of coherent large-scale motions.Comment: 8 pages, 9 PS figures. Uses newpasp.sty (included). To appear in "Tracing Cosmic Evolution with Galaxy Clusters" (Sesto 2001), ASP Conference Series, S. Borgani, M. Mezzetti & R. Valdarnini eds., in pres

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