The Role of Technology Innovation in Shaping the Student Learning Experience in Higher Education


The role of technology innovation as the driving force in today’s learning environment cannot be under-emphasized. It is now changing the way in which learning and teaching occur in higher education. Over the years, preparing students for the world of work from higher education has been a difficult task. With the majority of students venturing into the world of work without work experience to help them understand and develop the skills to succeed in business is perturbing. Hence, for academic institutions charged with the responsibility to equip and develop students in the knowledge economy, technological innovations hold the key to several possibilities such as distance learning and sophisticated learning management tools and systems. Amongst the sophisticated learning management systems and tools is the use of business simulation which assists students to grasp, understand and apply theories in the real business world. Furthermore, these tools help them to develop the soft skills that are difficult to nurture during lectures. This paper, therefore, examines the role of technology in shaping the development of business and practical skills of the student’s transition from the university into the world of work. This study adopted a mixed method approach. Primary data were collected from MBA and MSc students who participated in the use of the business simulation tool on their perception over ten semesters. This was aimed at explaining the development of business skills using the business simulation technology. The preliminary results show a positive relationship between business simulation game participation and improvement of both hard and soft business skills of students such as; high quality learning, development of critical thinking, decision making, teamwork and analytical skill

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