From Ecological Epitome to Medical Model: An investigation into Applications for the use of Daphnia in Heart Science.


The primary aim of this research was to determine whether Daphnia might become a model for cardiovascular concentration-response trials. This would provide a high throughput means of testing cardiac therapeutics without resort to small mammal trials. We found Daphnia are inappropriate in this context due to high population variance and sensitivity to small, subtle, environmental changes. A new aim was developed to determine whether beat-to-beat variation could be correlated with an individual’s response to toxic insult. Further, to develop more accurate and efficient means of gathering heart rhythm data by recording heart movement from whole live Daphnia. This opens the way to individualising cardio therapeutics; by correlating the stability of individual hearts with response to cardiac insult, regression analysis provides a means of finding a prediction tool. Daphnia are a convenient example here, but successful scoring systems might also be applied to the human heart via analysis of ECG readouts. Collecting signals from whole live Daphnia did not fulfil the goal of gathering heart data as this instead recorded limb movement. However, this provides a means of improving toxicology testing in aquatic ecology. This thesis offers three contributions to knowledge: 1. Daphnia are an inappropriate model for cardiovascular therapeutic dose-response trials due to extreme environmental sensitivities. 2. Baseline heart rhythm can be correlated with paired response to cardiac insult, with significance at the 0.01 alpha level, using an adjusted version of the Lyapnov equation; Finite Time Growth (Wessel, 2010). However, this is only if population variation is adequate. It is better applied to a natural in situ population than a homegenic lab population. 3. A novel technique for measuring Daphnia electromechanical movement records feeding limbs rather than the heart. This offers a novel and more efficient technique for aquatic ecotoxicology, where visual observation or films of the same are currently used

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