Artificial Patterned Landscapes and Reciprocal Learning
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ABSTRACT The paper explains the organisational framework for creating three-dimensional patterns representing artificial urban landscapes as a design aid for architectural students to analyse, interpret, visualise and manipulate the complexities of the urban environment. The educational module is initially both a CAAD and an urban design teaching tool, and becomes, through these, a visualisation and realisation model and finally a design aid and platform for the manipulation of the urban landscape. The organisational framework to construct the representative three dimensional artifice utilises 14 different layers of interconnected, three dimensional patterns as an information base. The classification systems of the framework are intended as an educational tool for analysis, discussion and consequent comprehension of the real as it is formed into a representative artifice within the computer. The inherent facilities of the CAAD software programme (in this case Archi-CAD) are utilised with an adapted logic, specifically the software’s ability to create three dimensional library parts and place these items in various layers of the framework allowing variable permutable displays of the pattern items and consequently their interfaces. This categorised framework is a three-dimensional representative artifice enabling the ‘pregnant’ potential(s) of what the city can become to be anticipated as ‘nth potential’ scenarios or ‘mightlyhoods’ (1). These are applied to the artifice through the formulation of manifesto aims, producing innumerable potential future scenarios for the city, which can be reciprocally assessed through the inherent visual permutability of the layers within the software