
BPMN Security Extensions for Healthcare Process


The modelling of healthcare process is inherently complicated due to its multi-disciplinary character. Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) has been considered and applied to model and demonstrate the flexibility and variability of the activities that involved in healthcare process. However, with the growing usage of digital information and IoT technology in the healthcare system, the issue of information security and privacy becomes the main concern in term of both store and management of electronic health record (EHR). Therefore, it is very important to capture the security requirements at conceptual level in order to identify the security needs in the first place. BPMN is lacking of the ability to model and present security concepts such as confidentiality, integrity, and availability in a suitable way. This will increase the vulnerability of the system and make the future development of security for the system more difficult. In this paper we provide a solution to model the security concepts in BPMN by extending it with new designed security elements, which can be integrated with the BPMN diagram smoothly. Index Terms — Security Requirement, BPMN, Healthcare, Internet of Things

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