
Socialização e percursos (e)migratórios em Portugal: uma análise a partir de retratos sociológicos


This article intends to study the link between socialization and highly qualify emigration, from a purposive sample of Portuguese citizens who were or had been emigrants in a European country, in the past six years. This sample is composed by highly qualified individuals or individuals who had an occupation corresponding to this qualification level. In this sense, the resulting twenty individual portraits allow the study of the socialization processes that facilitate the "brain drain". At an individual level, this research design enables the analysis of migratory social dispositions’ creation and mobilization, which are related to social and/or cultural mobility processes. One concludes that there are some cases of disposicional heterogeneity and disposicional rupture, but most portraits represent cases of dispositional coherence in favour of emigration. Qualified emigration seems to be a result of dispositions mutual reinforcing towards emigration, in addition to the will to pursue personal and professional projects that do not find fertile ground in Portuga

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