
EURL ECVAM Workshop on New Generation of Physiologically-Based Kinetic Models in Risk Assessment


The European Union Reference Laboratory for Alternatives to Animal Testing (EURL ECVAM) Strategy Document on Toxicokinetics (TK) outlines strategies to enable prediction of systemic toxicity by applying new approach methodologies (NAM). The central feature of the strategy focuses on using physiologically-based kinetic (PBK) modelling to integrate data generated by in vitro and in silico methods for absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME) in humans for predicting whole-body TK behaviour, for environmental chemicals, drugs, nano-materials, and mixtures. In order to facilitate acceptance and use of this new generation of PBK models, which do not rely on animal/human in vivo data in the regulatory domain, experts were invited by EURL ECVAM to (i) identify current challenges in the application of PBK modelling to support regulatory decision making; (ii) discuss challenges in constructing models with no in vivo kinetic data and opportunities for estimating parameter values using in vitro and in silico methods; (iii) present the challenges in assessing model credibility relying on non-animal data and address strengths, uncertainties and limitations in such an approach; (iv) establish a good kinetic modelling practice workflow to serve as the foundation for guidance on the generation and use of in vitro and in silico data to construct PBK models designed to support regulatory decision making. To gauge the current state of PBK applications, experts were asked upfront of the workshop to fill a short survey. In the workshop, using presentations and discussions, the experts elaborated on the importance of being transparent about the model construct, assumptions, and applications to support assessment of model credibility. The experts offered several recommendations to address commonly perceived limitations of parameterization and evaluation of PBK models developed using non-animal data and its use in risk assessment, these include: (i) develop a decision tree for model construction; (ii) set up a task force for independent model peer review; (iii) establish a scoring system for model evaluation; (iv) attract additional funding to develop accessible modelling software.; (v) improve and facilitate communication between scientists (model developers, data provider) and risk assessors/regulators; and (vi) organise specific training for end users. The experts also acknowledged the critical need for developing a guidance document on building, characterising, reporting and documenting PBK models using non-animal data. This document would also need to include guidance on interpreting the model analysis for various risk assessment purposes, such as incorporating PBK models in integrated strategy approaches and integrating them with in vitro toxicity testing and adverse outcome pathways. This proposed guidance document will promote the development of PBK models using in vitro and silico data and facilitate the regulatory acceptance of PBK models for assessing safety of chemicals

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