
An Investigation into Gender Disparities in the Field of Computing


This paper explains the reasons as to why there is under-representation of females computer science. Recent research undertaken at a British University focused on gender imbalance amongst academic staff in the Faculty of Technology and Environment, Liverpool John Moores University. The paper presents evidence that suggests the significance of identifying female role models in the field as a precursor to improving the current gender imbalance amongst academic faculty. In addition, the paper suggests the importance of addressing the negative stereotypical images related to the discipline and suggests the importance of identifying barriers to access and mobility females encounter in the field. The results of this initial investigation demonstrate the subjective belief amongst female academic faculty that in the School of Computing is dominated by male academics. Further, this belief pattern manifests itself in a perceived lack of motivation for promotion in the School. It can be concluded that the deeply entrenched belief system determines a lack of attempts to seek and secure promotion amongst all grades of female faculty. The paper proposes recommendations which the School could adopt to improve recruitment and retention of female academic staff and students

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