
Risk Management - Hygiene and Legionella in water systems in hospitals: Relevance for Facility Management and Facility Services


To guide readers properly, it is necessary to say that this article is part of an ongoing research project. It is divided into four sections. For the purpose of introducing into the topic, a concise summary of the contextual framework and theoretical background is presented first. Here the authors introduce on the topic of hygiene, Legionella and risk management in the context of Facility Management and Facility Services. After sharing the perspective from the research project's context, section two reveals findings of a literature review, which worked out a potential search strategy for people new to the topic. It is also useful for people responsible, who wish to get deeper knowledge about the topics 'responsibility of stakeholders' and the ‘process’ of Legionella prevention. With the contents of section three shifting from research to (legal) practice, some responsibilities of stakeholders and the ‘process’ of Legionella prevention are presented. As the field work of the research project is still running, and participants (interview partners) are still needed, the last section of this article informs briefly about characteristics of the research project

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