
Possible use of the dedicated MARLY one meter telescope for intensive supernovae studies


The EROS2 microlensing search will end at the end of 2002. Apart of this microlensing search, EROS has discovered ~70 supernovae during 8 periods partially dedicated to a SN search. In this document, we investigated a new way of using the EROS telescope (The MARLY) after this date, as a dedicated nearby supernovae photometer. The performance of a set-up with two cameras allowing to simultaneously perform BVRI and U photometry have been estimated. Each year, of order of 100 type Ia supernovae at z ~0.05 should be photometrically followed-up during 80 days with a precision of 2% in BVRI and ~3,5% in U.Comment: You can find the full resolution of this report at publicationsLAL01.html/LAL0171.p

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