
A Species of Edges as Metropolis


The paper investigates the phenomena of edges as a differentiation that both divides and conjoins space and process. Edge conditions as a species of edges are responsible for the founding and development of our cities and they continue to influence the metropolis through a membranous separation - communication. . These edge conditions in process and spatial things can be explained through the analogy of a step. Step covers both meanings, the action of taking a step and the interval which is a step, consequently it describes the process and the spatiality or the time and space of step as an edge condition. A step links ‘instants’ of process and spatiality. A step is both end and bridge as an edge is both an end and an intersection. Its perhaps not incidental that mechanical time relies on serial steps in the form of a set of interlinked rotating cogs operating step by step to generate motion. This clockwork action becomes increasingly complex three dimensionally using the edges of serial cams and the stepping action of ‘cam followers’ between cams to develop complex programmed motion. This programmed motion through a series of edges and steps was used to create breathtaking imitations of nature such as ‘The Writer’ by Pierre Jaquet Droz and ‘The Swan’ by John Joseph Merlin. Today’s cities can be conceived of emerging as a reflective pattern of the programmatic activities and expectancies of their milieus where edge conditions form the basis of this reflective control. The edge is where happenings intensify it’s the meeting of phenomena and consequently both barrier and bridge to other spaces containing the ‘novel’ as in Simmel’s strangers. “All human action takes and makes place. The past is the set of places made by human action. History is a map of these places”. (Ethington, P. J: 2007) Ethington P. J; ‘Groundwork’ for a Spatial Theory of History; Rethinking History, Volume 11, Number 4, December 2007

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