
Insider research and reflective practice: getting published: extending an experiment in critical friendship


Purpose: This aim of this working paper is to connect a community of scholarly practitioners who are passionate about insider researcher and who are willing to support each other in doing, writing and publishing this form of research. Approach: The paper is grounded in a conceptualization of knowledge creation as socially interactive, contingent and multi-faceted acknowledging that researchers and practitioners ‘frame’ research questions and findings in the light of their previous experience and tacit knowledge Research and practice implications: To develop a plan for action to include: seeking sources of funding, collaborative publication and dissemination in order to release the potential of insider research and in doing contribute to a CHRD agenda. Originality/value: In presenting this paper we extend the potential of a ‘critical friend’ approach in order to connect and support insider researchers who wish to explore and progress the potential contribution of ‘actionable’ knowledge in both practice and scholarly domains

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