Pengaruh Pertumbuhan Ekonomi, Populasi, dan Industri Pengolahan, Terhadap Kualitas Lingkungan Ditinjau dari Emisi CO2 di Indonesia


The world is currently being hit by a catastrophic climate change, which can have an impact on future life. Global warming, arising mainly from greenhouse gas emissions, one of the causes is deforestation, namely the loss of green forest ecosystems and ignoring the effects of industrial clearing and land use changes due to population growth. In the context of realizing sustainable development, it is important that research is carried out with an appropriate title, namely the Effect of Economic Growth, Population, and Processing Industry on Environmental Quality in terms of CO2 Emissions in Indonesia in 1995-2018 using the Error Correction Model (ECM) Method. . The results showed that Economic Growth, Population, Processing Industry had a significant effect on CO2 emissions in the long term and had no significant effect in the short term. Suggestions in this study are to reduce deforestation and carry out reforestation so that the quality of the environment is better and is accompanied by suppressing population growth by reaffirming the government's Family Planning program to reduce the adverse impact of environmental quality in Indonesi

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