Pengelolaan Ekstrakurikuler Hizbul Wathan Dalam Penguatan Karakter Siswa Di Smk Muhammadiyah 2 Andong Boyolali


This study aims to explain: 1) preparation, 2) organization, 3) implementation, and 4) assessment of Hizbul Wathan extracurricular implementation in improving character in SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Andong. This type of research is field qualitative with a case study design. The research was carried out at SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Andong with research informants namely the principal, deputy head of student affairs, and Hizbul Wathan coaches. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique used in this research is inductive analysis with three flow of activities, namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing/verification. The results showed: 1) The preparation of Hizbul Wathan extracurricular activities in improving the character was carried out, including the formulation of vision, mission, and goals, preparation of work programs, provision of activity infrastructure, and preparation of activity schedules. 2) Management/organization of Hizbul Wathan extracurricular activities in improving character, namely by appointing Hizbul Wathan coaches and appointing students as Hizbul Wathan management cadres. 3) The implementation of Hizbul Wathan extracurricular activities in improving character is carried out by delivering Hizbul Wathan activity materials that can improve student character, including opening ceremony, marching, rigging, morse code, games, prayer in congregation and read the Al-Qur’an, cooking, and set up tents. The integration of character education values in Hizbul Wathan activities includes religious, honest, tolerant, disciplined, independent, social care, environmental care, creative, responsible, and friendly/communicative. Efforts to improve character are stated in the Pandu promise and the Hizbul Wathan Law. 4) Assessment of the implementation of Hizbul Wathan extracurricular in improving character is carried out at the end of every activity and technical meeting before the activity as well as an overall assessment at the end of one year management. Aspects that are assessed in improving student character are absenteeism and student attitudes during Hizbul Wathan activities using the attendance instrument and Level Advancement Conditions (SKT). Assessment during the covid pandemic was carried out with an online strategy and occasionally absent from school with strict health protocols

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