Compass: Optimised co-modal passenger transport fro reducing carbon emissions: Handbook of ICT solutions for improving co-modality in passenger transport.


The COMPASS Handbook of ICT Solutions puts together a set of 96 solutions applying to urban andmetropolitan mobility, long distance passenger transport and also innovative ICT solutions aimed atincreasing the quality of transport services in areas where demand levels are low, like rural or sparselypopulated regions.The COMPASS Handbook of ICT Solutions is available in a paper edition and in an online internetversion accessible at ICT solutions presented in the COMPASS Handbook are classified in the next five broadcategories:1. Transportation management systems, solutions aimed at helping to plan and runningefficiently the transport system.This section includes solutions for urban transport management (e.g. smart signalmanagement or signal priority for public transport), for road management (e.g. ramp meteringor congestion monitoring based on smart phones), for improving air operation (e.g. air trafficcontrol applications allowing planes to fly in direct paths point to point), rail operation (e.g.ETCS or GMS-R) and maritime operation (e.g. quicker and more complete vesselidentification protocols via AIS).2. Traveller information systems, in which the key characteristic is to assist the traveller withseveral parts of information (travel time, routes, traffic conditions, etc);This section includes solutions aimed at better guiding passengers through the transportnetwork (e.g. airport interactive maps on tablets assisting passengers around large transportterminals, or augmented reality applications easily guiding public transport users to the closestbus station), travel planners (e.g. door-to-door multimodal travel planners consideringcongestion and transport service schedules), solutions aimed at delivering transportinformation to travellers on real-time (e.g. cooperative P2P applications based e.g. on twitterto monitor transport networks’ status and alert on eventual service disruptions) and othersmart phone apps designed to make journey planning easier for travellers (e.g. smart phonebased travel assistants grouping travel tickets, hotel bookings, boarding passes… or smartseat allocation algorithms based on the traveller social network profile (e.g. facebook, linkdin)).Smart ticketing and tolling applications, addressing new ways to get tickets and to pay forusing transport services;This section includes upcoming solutions for road toll payment with low affectation on trafficflow (e.g. free-flow transponder-based toll payment compatible in multiple countries),automated access management (e.g. high occupancy vehicle identification at toll plazasbased on automatic camera occupation detection), and on innovative formats for paying publictransport tickets or parking charges (e.g. via SMS or smart cards).4. Smart vehicles and infrastructure, including ICTs aimed at improving vehicle efficiency perse and vehicle intelligence as a result of increased vehicle to infrastructure (V2I) and vehicleto vehicle (V2V) communications;This section includes upcoming solutions enhancing vehicle safety and driving comfort andaccuracy (e.g. traffic jam assistants or self-parking cars), and for increasing vehicleintelligence via communications between vehicles (e.g. vanet V2V networks, automaticallydriven car trains), and via vehicle to infrastructure communications (e.g. informationtransmission on weather and road surface condition from road infrastructure to rollingvehicles).5. Demand responsive transport (DRT) and shared mobility systems, which includestransport solutions enabled by ICT solutions to set up innovative transport services adjusted todemand and allowing users to share vehicles.This section includes upcoming solutions aimed at addressing the more and more popularconcept of shared mobility (e.g. car sharing, car pooling, sharing car parks), and otherinnovative solutions based on demand responsive systems, specially suited for deliveringefficient transport solutions when transport demand is too low for conventional public transportservices.The handbook can be used in a number of different ways, but two main entry points are provided foreasy navigation.A. All ICT solutions have been synthesised in section 0.5.2 in abstracts of less than 10 lineseach. This is intended for quick understanding of each of the solution’s concept and problemsthat it addresses.B. If the user has candidate solutions in mind, the synthesis of solutions by performance insection 0.5.1 allows to quickly compare solutions and identify which one applies better.Each of the Handbook’s solutions is identified with a unique numerical ID,Ø Indicating the family and subfamiliy it belongs to;Ø Indicating the chapter in the Handbook where the solution might be expected to be found in;Ø Indicating the ID of the solution in the online Handbook accessible at each solution in the handbook, the following information may be expected in the systematicallyestablished factsheet structure:Ø A synthesis of the fundamental characteristics of each solution: name, family, subfamily, domainof application (urban, rural, long-distance transport), technology behind, implementation status(existing, pilot, concept)Ø Links to all reference documents behind the reporting of each solution, and any other relevantreference or interesting link.Ø A brief description of the solution;Ø A short description of the problems it seeks to address;Ø A summary of its applicability described in terms of pre-requisites and barriers to implementation;Ø The circumstances in which it would be particularly appropriate and the circumstances in which itwould be inappropriate or difficult to implement;Ø A commentary on the scores recorded in the matrix for this solution;Ø Comments on any other impacts that are particularly relevant for this particular solution; andØ Multimedia contents better illustrating the nature of the solution.The online handbook allows, in addition, visualising multimedia materials illustrating the insights ofdifferent ICT solutions. Users in the online handbook can also post comments to each of thefactsheets providing additional insights or questions to a particular solution, and rate them in relation to its interest.All solutions are documented in the COMPASS Handbook based on existing examples of theirapplication.Text in the reporting body of each solution factsheet may literally cite original sources. All referencesto original sources are included at the beginning of each solution factsheet.In chapter 6 of the Handbook, four business models are discussed for the applications listed below.Business models are discussed on the basis of product, customer interface, infrastructuremanagement and financial aspects.Ø Shared Bike SystemsØ Share TaxisØ Mobile Traveller Information SystemsØ Car Park Management SystemsEach model is presented in a schematic and easily readable format, in four sections defined on thebasis of the pillars mentioned above where the nine major elements of he business model aredescribed. Each model has been discussed with industry and academic experts, after the investigationand design works.A strategy overview is given by the SWOT analysis elaborated for each business domain, in order toprovide a full view of both the money earning and the strategic logic

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