Flux switching machine design for high-speed geared drives


Electrical machines capable of high-speed operation are key technology used in many modern applications, such as gas turbine electrical systems, high-speed fly-wheels, turbochargers, and computer numerical control (CNC) machines. The use of geared high-speed machines to replace low-speed high torque drives has not been adequately researched to-date. The rationale of this thesis is to investigate a candidate high speed machine, namely flux switching machines to be used together with new types of core material with mechanical gearing to deliver high-torque and low speeds. Modern developments in advanced material technology have produced new magnetic materials capable of dealing with high resulting in very low losses in high speed machines. However, such metals typically have low mechanical strength, and they are found to be brittle. In order to manufacture electromechanical device with such new materials, it has to be reinforced with a mechanically strong structure. The use of multiple types of magnetic materials referred as a MMLC has been proposed in this thesis for high-speed machine design. In this research, a generic method using magnetic equivalent circuit to model flux switching machines (FSMs) is investigated. Moreover modeling, based on machine dimensions for multiphase FSMs having any pole and slot number has been introduced. The air-gap permeance modeling to simplify the magnetic circuit calculation of FSMs was also investigated in this thesis. It is shown that the permeability of magnetic material can be adjusted with the use of MMLC material. Using this feature, the FSM mathematical model is used to show the impact on electromagnetic performance using MMLCs and is shown to be beneficial. In order the evaluate the weight benefits of using geared high speed FSMs, the planetary gear systems are studies and their design constraints have been identified. An abstract form of weight estimation for given torque and speed requirements has been developed and validated using commercially available planetary gear specifications. FSMs together with gear boxes have been considered and it is shown that significant weight savings can be achieved at higher diameter and at high speeds

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