Vegetation change in the regional surface climate over East Asia due to global warming using BIOME4


This study investigates the possible changes in the regional surface climate due to global warming from a MM5 downscaling simulation for the period of 1971-2100. The main focus of this study is to observe the changes in vegetation types over East Asia. BIOME4, an equilibrium terrestrial biosphere model, is utilized to simulate vegetation patterns. Regional projections of this study show the increase of surface air temperature by 5◦C and precipitation by 6% over East Asia in the end of the 21st century. The present study also noticed that the increasing trend of temperature is associated with the increasing trends of the minimum temperature of the coldest month. Therefore, the region of favorable temperature conditions for vegetation growth in lower latitudes seems to extend toward the higher latitude. It leads to a northward shift of vegetation distribution in the lower latitudes besides the area extension. For instance, the trend in which the warm mixed forest and temperate deciduous forest shift northward may be distinguished. At the same time, the area of temperate deciduous forest pervades the area and replaces temperate grassland regions. Of interest, the tropical evergreen forest is expected to appear over southern China in the end of the 21st century. The possible vegetation changes are mainly affected by a temperature increase rather than a precipitation increase

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