Dynamics of the solar photosphere and chromosphere derived from high resolution Fe I and Ca II spectra


The analysis of high-resolution spectra of the Fe I (522.5 nm, 557.6 nm) and Ca II K (393.3 nm) lines in the solar photosphere and chromosphere is presented. A dynamic coupling of the photosphere and chromosphere was determined from the ratios of both the photospheric and chromospheric line characteristics. All results are discussed for quiet and plage regions. It is found that inthe plage regionthe meanv alues of K1, K2, K3 intensities inCa II K are increased 2, 5 and 6 times, respectively, as compared to the quiet region. The mean values of Fe I line core intensities increased in plage only 1.32 and 1.64 times for the magnetic non-sensitive and magnetic sensitive line, respectively. The ranges of Fe I core intensity values are larger for the magnetic sensitive line than for the magnetic non-sensitive line

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