Turbulent dispersion from tall stack in the unstable boundary layer: a comparison between Gaussian and K-diffusion modelling for non buoyant emissions


Most air quality dispersionmo dels used for regulatory applications are based onGaussianan d K-diffusionform ulations. The reliability of such models strongly depends on how dispersion parameters and eddy diffusivities are computed on the basis of the update understanding of the Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) meteorology. In this paper, we compare the performances in simulating pollutants released from continuous point source, by using some Gaussian and K-diffusion models with different assumptions concerning the parameterisation of the dispersionpro cesses. Results show that the Gaussianmo del, inwhic h the dispersion parameters are directly related to spectral peak of turbulence energy, gives the best overall performances. This could be due to a more realistic description of spreading processes occurring into the PBL. This suggests that, in the context of the regulatory applications, this model cangiv e the best combinationb etweengroun d level concentration estimates and computer requirements

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