DEM simulation of dense granular flows in a vane shear cell: Kinematics and rheological laws


The rheology of dense granular flows is investigated through discrete element method (DEM) simulation of a vane shear cell. From the simulation, profiles of shear stress, shear rate, and velocity are obtained, which demonstrates that the flow features in the vane shear cell are equivalent to those in the classic annular Couette cell. A novel correlation for the shear viscosity is formulated and leads to a new expression for μKT in the kinetic theory analysis. The μKT formulation is able to qualitatively capture the μ-I relation in the shear cell. A correlation length is added in the energy dissipation term to account for the effects of the particle motion correlation. A simplified correlation length model is derived based on DEM results and is compared with the literature. The modified granular kinetic energy equation is able to correctly predict the granular temperature profiles in the shear cell

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