Technology transfer and sustainable industrial development for developing countries


This paper reports on a part of work for the UNIDO initiative on technology transfer for sustainable industrial development. The proposed technology transfer framework, adapted from the East Asian late industrialisers model, identifies two categories of countries requiring support for enhancing their technological capabilities: (a) very late industrialisers (“low income” developing countries), and (b) slow industrialisers (countries with sizeable manufacturing sectors but limited success in gaining international competitiveness) and three technology transfer routes: (a) through trade and aid to strengthen indigenous production for domestic markets (Route 1); (b) through FDI and contracting to develop export oriented firms (Route 2), and (c) through the supply chain of capital equipment and materials to develop local subcontracting capacity (Route 3). Very late industrialisers need support to start with Route 1 in selected sectors and upgrade through imported mature technologies. Appropriate product innovations are also possible. The slow industrialisers have more scope for increased technology transfer through Routes 2 and 3

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