Kajian Perkembangan Perumahan Terhadap Rencana Detil Tata Ruang di Kecamatan Cepu Kabupaten Blora Tahun 2013 - 2019


Housing in Cepu District has increased in recent years which has led to a shift in land use from the agricultural sector to non-agricultural sectors causing a decrease in agricultural land in Cepu District. The conversion for other purposes, such as industrial areas and residential areas, must refer to the Cepu District Spatial Detail Plan. The research with the title "Review of Housing Development on Detailed Spatial Planning in Cepu District, Blora Regency in 2013 - 2019" has a problem formulation of how the distribution of housing development is, what dominant factors influence, and the suitability of housing development within 2013 to 2019 in the research area with Spatial plans. The purpose of this research is to analyze the share of housing development, the dominant factors that influence it, and to evaluate and analyze housing in 2013 and 2019 in the research area. This research method uses survey method and map ovelay. The sample method uses purposive sampling with housing changes as the object, the data collection method used is primary and secondary data consisting of quickbird CRTS for data acquisition taken from agencies and resident interviews. This research uses spatial data analysis method and qualitative descriptive analysis. The results showed that housing development was most widely distributed in the northern part of Cepu District in 2013 - 2019 such as in Kelurahan/Village of Karangboyo, Cepu, Balun, and Tambakromo. The reason for choosing housing is at most 50% of the answers are strategic locations, however, as many as 7 housing locations are not in accordance with those contained in the existing Spatial Detail Plan. The percentage of housing that is suitable for residential land use is 81.75% and 18.25% is not suitable

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