Perancangan Kawasan Edukasi Petani Muda di Wonogiri dengan Sistem Pertanian Holtikultura (Penekanan pada Arsitektur Biophilic)


Agriculture is an activity that utilizes human resources in producing food, industrial raw materials and human energy sources. As one of the largest sources of employment in Wonogiri Regency, an actor who is able to manage the agricultural activities is called a farmer. However, the reality is that the number of farmers in the village is decreasing because many workers and young people choose to migrate to get more promising jobs. Even though the Wonogiri government has created a program to help farmers, especially in the field of horticultural agriculture, so that it is expected to be able to prosper the lives of farmers. So in order to anticipate the situation, an area that is able to become an educational facility is intended for young Wonogiri people. The Young Farmers Education Area in Wonogiri aims to introduce horticultural agriculture and provide education and recreation for the people of Wonogiri City. By building this area which conceptualizes the biophilic architecture approach, it is expected to be able to improve the tourism sector in Wonogiri Regency and to attract tourists both inside and outside the region so as to be able to improve the regional economy, especially in the agricultural sector

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