Verification of NADH content measurements by portable optical diagnostic system in living brain tissue


The overall aim of this study was verification of the possibility to register the change of NADH fluorescence in live tissue by a portable diagnostical laser system with fibre optical probe output and excitation by compact semiconductor UV light source. The measurements were conducted in fresh brain tissue slices of Wistar rat pups. The fluorescence measurements were conducted simultaneously at intervals of 5 s by the microscopic system with excitation at 360 nm and registering of the emitted fluorescence light at 455 nm and by the tested diagnostical system equipped with the fibre optical probe with excitation at 365 nm and registration of the fluorescence spectrum by the inbuilt spectroscopic subsystem. To modulate the mitochondrial function in the living cells, in the chamber sequentially were added 1 μM FCCP and 1 mM NaCN. The comparisons between the curves registered by the methods allowed us to find well agreement between the microscopic measurements and measurements by the fibre optical probe. The obtained results prove that the tested diagnostic system is capable of sensing the changes in brain metabolic activity associated with the NADH content alterations within the physiological range

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