タンキ ダイガク ニ オケル 2ネンセイ カテイ ツウシンセイ ノ キョウイク ノ イギ ト カダイ


平成16年3月に看護学校養成所指定規則が改正し、2年課程(通信制)の教育課程が提示され、翌17年に本学看護学科に通信制課程が開設された。平成19年には全国で20校となったが、本学はその中で唯一短期大学としての教育機関である。そこで、第1期生の卒業時の質問紙調査の結果を踏まえ、あらためて短期大学における2年課程(通信制)の教育の意義と課題について明らかにした。調査結果から、第1期生が2年間の通信教育で、看護学を新しく学び、看護の専門性の理解とともに看護観を大きく変化させ、自信や誇りを持って看護実践に臨んでいることが明らかになった。また、卒業後の進路に活路を見いだし、学びの継続を考えている。この制度の目的である「質の高い看護を提供できる看護実践者として、施設や地域で活躍できる人材の育成」や、短期大学として社会人を対象とする教育の使命としてのリカレント教育や生涯教育としての役割を果たすことに本学の意義があると考える。In March 2004, with the revision of the specific rules and regulation concerning nursing training school, a two-year correspondence course was set up, and in the following year a correspondence course was established in our school\u27s nursing curriculum. As of the year 2007, throughout the country there are twenty schools that have established this course and, among them, our school is the only junior college. On the basis of studying questionnaires filled out at the time of the graduation by those students who took the course for the first time, what we have clarified here are the educational significance and agenda in a two-year nursing correspondence course. It has become clear that, through the two-year correspondence education, these students have studied nursing anew and, with an understanding of the professionalism involved in nursing and great transformation in their sense of nursing, are endeavoring to practice nursing with confidence and pride. They also seek a path for their life in making progress after graduation and are thinking about continuing their education. We believe the purpose of our school to be "the training of human beings who can provide high-quality nursing as nursing practitioners and can flourish institutionally and regionally" and fulfilling the function of recurrent and lifetime education as part of a junior-college mission to target members of our society

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