
Helium-like ions as powerful X-ray plasma diagnostics


We revisited the calculations of the ratios of the Helium-like ion ``triplet'' (resonance, intercombination, and forbidden lines) for Z=6 to 14 (C V, N VI, O VII, Ne IX, Mg XI, Si XIII) in order to provide temperature, density and ionization diagnostics for the new high-resolution spectroscopic data of Chandra and XMM-Newton. Comparing to earlier computations, collisional rates are updated and the best experimental values for radiative transition probabilities are used. The influence of an external radiation field (photo-excitation) and the contribution from unresolved dielectronic satellite lines to the line ratios are discussed. Collision-dominated plasmas (e.g. stellar coronae), photo-ionized plasmas (e.g. AGNs) or transient plasmas (e.g. SNRs) are considered.Comment: To appear in Proc. of "X-ray astronomy 2000",(Palermo Sep. 2000), Eds. R. Giacconi, L. Stella, S. Serio, ASP Conf. Series, in press (6 pages, 1 figure). This "replaced" version includes the newpasp.sty corresponding to this conferenc

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