Love, sexual rights and young people: learning from our peer educators how to be a youth centred organisation


International Planned Parenthood Federations's A+ programme to realising youth sexual rights was highly ambitious and complex in its approach and both its geographical and programmatic reach. Working in diverse cultural and political contexts and encountering deep-rooted attitudes and beliefs were challenges that were often overcome through innovation by young people themselves. The participatory design of this wide-reaching assessment has produced a rich analysis of what works and what does not, along with innovative examples of youth-led and youth-centred initiatives around the world that can be shared with others. It also gives clear evidence of how putting young people firmly at the centre of youth programmes can improve communication, participation, empowerment, rights, health and education. The assessment also offers a socio-ecological model to build commitment to youth programming in organisations and communities. It places young people at the centre of the process, and gives due attention to the local context to help organisations become genuinely youth-centred. These findings will inspire IPPF and, we hope, others to move forward on a journey of organisational development. The ultimate vision is young people’s increased confidence, empowerment and autonomy in decision making, in an environment that is supportive of realising their rights. We hope that renewed commitment to youth led programming and continued sharing of learning will help us achieve this vision

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