Fair Game: producing gambling research


In 2011 we began a four-year project funded by the European Research Council (ERC) to investigate new ways to study emerging gambling phenomena across territorial, conceptual and disciplinary boundaries. While we do not attribute any essential moral value to gambling we are interested in the inequalities it generates within and between communities. e work across a number of different scales, from the global and exceptional to the local and everyday. The relationship between financial services, gambling and capitalism is of interest to us, for example, as are apparently mundane encounters between blackjack players in a casino in Nova Gorica. We are equally interested in the production of gambling as its consumption: it is impossible to understand the impact of gambling products without considering the conditions which enable and constrain their production. In order to study these phenomena we have spent several years embedded within different gambling cultures. Claire Loussouarn has worked with Chinese casino customers in London and more recently with spread betting companies and the financial services industry in the City of London. Andrea Pisac is a trained croupier who has worked in Nova Gorica and London. Rebecca Cassidy has worked in the horse racing industries in the United Kingdom and the United States and in betting shops in London

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