Findings from a national study to investigate how British universities are challenging sexual violence and harassment on campus and Sexual Violence Self-Assessment Checklist for Universities


The Universities UK Taskforce published its report on tackling violence against women, hate crime and harassment in UK universities in 2016 (UUK, 2016). The UUK report identified seven key components for change (UUK, 2016: p59): 1. A commitment from senior leadership; 2. Ensuring an institution-wide approach; 3. Prevention of incidents; 4. Enabling an effective response; 5. Managing situations where students have committed an offence; 6. Sharing of good practice; 7. Assessment of support needed with regards to online harassment. Many universities in England and Wales received HEFCE funding to tackle the violence against women (VAWG) work stream forward. Our study investigates the future sustainability of such initiatives

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