
Audio-recording cancer consultations for patients and their families—putting evidence into practice


This chapter aims to briefly review the empirical literature on the value of consultation audio-recordings for patients and families; conduct a theory-driven examination of the factors that limit practice uptake of this intervention; and provide practical suggestions for how these factors might best be addressed to enhance clinical uptake of consultation audio-recording use. The Promoting Action on Research Implementation in Health Services (PARIHS) Framework is used to examine the impact of scientific evidence, context-specific factors, and facilitation principles, as these pertain to the uptake of consultation audio-recording in practice. Important considerations in efforts to implement a consultation audio-recording service are provided, including leadership, perceived value and benefit, resource costs, technological practicalities, litigation concerns, and staff training and support. Both top-down and bottom-up approaches to implementation are recommended to enhance the likelihood of successful uptake into practice

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