World Bank Education Sector: From Internal and External Perspectives


This paper describes the authors’ almost 30-year (1972-1998) personal experience with the World Bank (WB) education sector operations from the internal perspective. Then, it discusses the authors’ 20-year (1999-2020) observation from an external perspective. The paper aims to reveal the goals, objectives, strategies, the mechanism, and processes of decision-making, especially on how an education loan and credit is justified, of the world’s largest international aid organization for the education sector in developing countries (some $4 billion a year). Through this effort, the author provides a sound basis for insiders’ and outsiders’ fair assessments or criticisms of WB education sector operations. It also allows for some lessons/suggestions for the future WB education sector operations and for possible participations, collaborations, and cooperation with outsiders interested in WB operations in the education sector

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