The influence of bile acids homeostasis by cryptotanshinone-containing herbs


Background: Herbs might affect the homeostasis of bile acids through influence of multiple metabolic pathways of bile acids. Objective:To investigate the inhibition of cryptotanshinone towards the glucuronidation of LCA, trying to indicate the possible influence of cryptotanshinone-containing herbs towards the homeostasis of bile acids. Methods:The LCA-3-glucuronidation and LCA-24-glucuronidation reaction was monitored by LC-MS. Results:Initial screening showed that 100 μM of cryptotanshinone inhibited LCA-24-glucuronidation and LCA-3-glucuro-nidation reaction activity by 82.6% and 79.1%, respectively. This kind of inhibition behaviour exerted cryptotanshinone concentrations-dependent and LCA concentrations-independent inhibition behaviour. Conclusion: All these data indicated the possibility of cryptotanshinone’s influence towards bile acids metabolism and homeostasis of bile acids

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