Evaluating the Reduction of Hazardous Waste Contact in Tabriz Petrochemical Complex, Focusing on Personal Protective Equipment Method


Tabriz petrochemical complex is located in northwest of Iran and west of Tabriz oil refinery and mostly produces raw plastics. In this study the implementation of Reduction of Hazardous waste Contact in this Complex with special emphasis on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is discussed. Accordingly different hazards threatening personnel, indoor and outdoor environment were determined. In order to identify hazardous waste generated in different parts of the complex, national, European, environmental protection agency (EPA) and Basel convention standards were taken in to consideration. Considering general frame of risk classified pyramid containing engineering controls, administrative controls and personal protective equipment (PPE),a couple of practical recommendations has been suggested to promote the security level. Personal protective equipment, suggested in this study are all manifested according to the Iranian Petroleum Standard (IPS). Despite perfect implementation of PPE method, it is recommended that incident insurance be taken in to consideration as the last mitigation effort

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