Trastornos de la articulación temporomandibular en escolares de 5 a 14 años de un centro educativo de Cali


To evaluate the prevalence of signs and symptoms related to the craneo-mandibular disfunction among children between 5 and 14 years old in the city of Cali, 170 students were selected with healthy as diagnoses on the absence of cavities, early lost of temporary or permanent teeth. The total of selected population was divided in accordance with the quality of dentition and it was found that 139 (81.8%) patients had mixed dentition, 22 permanent dentition and 9 had exclusively temporary dentition. At the evaluation of temporo mandibular joint TMJ, 45.9% (78 patients) had mandibular deviation during mouth closing movement, while 41.7% had it during opening movement. In 14 (18.2%) patients of the groups with mixed dentition and only permanent dentition which were ausculted with an stethoscope, were found variated and severe articular noises during mouth opening, mouth closing and lateral movements. In 9 (5.3%) patients pain during palpation of the masticatory muscles and suprahyoid was found

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