Authentic Writing in Children’s Lives Outside School


In this paper, a mother of three young children and a university professor/former primary teacher make a case for teachers to initiate conversations with parents about their children’s writing practices at home. We define writing as marks and scribbles, as well as drawings, letters, words and sentences, that are intended to make meaning and communicate with others. We discuss ways in which Ashley’s children, aged 4-7 years-old, use writing to express desires, encourage others to do something, and develop relationships with family members. We provide examples of the children’s self-initiated writing to communicate needs/desires, express emotions and develop relationships with others in the wider world, as well. Our paper draws from research showing that young children’s everyday interactions with family and community members provide a strong foundation for children’s language, literacy and overall learning. We provide suggestions for teachers who wish to initiate or deepen partnerships with parents/caregivers to support young children’s writing.Social Sciences and Humanities Research Counci

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