トキワダイジョウ ノ チュウゴク チョウサ


In this paper, I considered Chinese surveys of Daijyo Tokiwa (常盤大定)(1870-1945) and the publication of the results. First, I outlined his Chinese survey. And I conjectured that he decided to publish Shina bukkyo shiseki (支那佛教史蹟), after a result of the Great Kanto Earthquake (関東大震災). I considered the process of translation from Shina bukkyo shiseki to Buddhist monuments in China. I studied the fact that the book was translated by Tokiwa and D.T. Suzuki (鈴木大拙). Further I described the background factors of the publication point of the Shina bunka shiseki (支那文化史蹟) and Chugoku bunka shiseki ( 中国文化史蹟). I pointed out that the situation in each era prompted the publication. Finally I mentioned what the relationship was between Kitaro Nishida (西田幾多郎) and D.T. Suzuki ,who had a connection with Gakushuin (学習院), with Tokiwa.論

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