
Comparative beach surveys using an unmanned aerial system, ground-based GPS, terrestrial laser scanning, and airborne laser scanning


Profiles and sediment size distribution on mixed sand and gravel beaches are highly variable, both spatially and temporally, and cost-effective high-resolution monitoring schemes are needed to capture this variability. The potential for the use of UAS for coastal monitoring remains relatively untested in comparison to established remote sensing techniques. This paper reports on a field experiment in Pevensey Bay, East Sussex, England, in which simultaneous measurements were carried out using UAV-based photogrammetry, RTK-GPS, and both terrestrial and airborne laser scanning. The central objective of this research was to compare the accuracy of the TLS, ALS, and UAV-based surface modelling to draw conclusions for operational beach monitoring. The analysis was carried out through point cloud inter-comparison, comparison of point cloud performance against RTK-GPS transect data, and evaluation of differences between elevation models that were generated based on the point clouds. The point cloud comparison focused on the vertical differences between respective data sets, and showed that the UAV-based point cloud had positive offsets of 9cm (RMS 10cm) and 6cm (RMS 8cm) compared to the TLS and ALS point clouds, respectively. Analysis was also carried out to evaluate the extent to which surface sediment characteristics affected measurement accuracy of the different methods. Data comparison on beach gravel, beach sand, cobble, foreshore dry sand, foreshore wet sand and soft mud showed the best agreement between UAV, TLS and ALS data on gravel beach sections. For nearly all surface types UAV and ALS data showed better agreement than UAV to TLS data

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