Self-other processes in social cognition
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This thesis aimed to investigate self-other processes in social cognition.
Contrary to the traditional approach of focusing on self-other processes within
the confines of a single domain, this thesis highlights the prominent role of these
processes across different socio-cognitive domains. Three main empirical
questions form the basis of the research reported here. The first is concerned
with the extent to which self-other representations are shared across three
different socio-cognitive abilities: the control of imitation, theory of mind, and
visual perspective taking. The second relates to the neural underpinnings of
self-other representations, in particular, the role of the temporoparietal junction
(TPJ) during socio-cognitive processing. The third question examines the role of
culture as a modulatory factor of self-other processes.
The findings from Experiment 1, 3 and 4 showed a relationship between the
control of imitation and visual perspective taking. This relationship seems to
rely on the online control of co-activated self-other representations, which at the
neural level are mediated by the TPJ (bilaterally).
In Experiment 2 it was found that individuals with mirror-touch synaesthesia are
impaired in the control of imitation but their performance on visual perspective
taking and theory of mind is comparable with non-synaesthetes. It is
hypothesised that atypical self-other processes in mirror-touch synaesthesia
might be confined to situations in which representations of the ‘other’ should be
inhibited, but not when they should be enhanced.
Experiment 5 showed that acculturation strategies adopted by migrants
modulate their imitative behaviour towards a member of the heritage vs. a
member of the host culture.
The diverse nature of the studies reported in this thesis shows the complexity of
self-other processes in social cognition. Taken together, these findings
demonstrate how adopting a wider approach to the investigation of self-other
processes contributes towards a better understanding of the mechanisms
underlying socio-cognitive abilities